Explore the world with Hidden Gemmer

People don't take trips, trips take people
What is Hidden Gemmer?

We share everything from Restaurants to Movies to Bookstores

Most of our gems are submitted by Hidden Gemmer users. Without user input, we wouldn't have nearly the amount of gems we have today.
Our fun facts

Trusted by over 20,000+ users worldwide

Easily plan your trip with us

We have put together curated lists of some of our favorite submissions. Explore lavish cities or view travel destinations filled with exotic new experiences!

Find new places in your own backyard

One of our main goals is to show people the world around them. Sometimes you'll find stuff in your city you don't even know about!

The Hidden Gemmer Team

Meet the Squad

We are dedicated to promoting the hidden gems of the world.

Established 2024 in Santa Barbara, California

Hidden Gemmer was founded in 2024 

more to come


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